QSC MP-M音乐和寻呼调音台是一种固定结构调音台/处理器,提供前所未有的功能,配置轻松,操作简单。这些专门专为零售和酒店应用设计,可以将来自各种音源的高质量音频路由至多个区域。实时调音功能也支持各种需要扩音的娱乐、演示或会议应用。

MP Install provides the system designer and installer an attractive graphic environment and intuitive workflow to configure and tune the system.


将Intrinsic Correction™(本征校正)(出厂FIR/IIR预设)应用到QSC扬声器,以最大程度上发挥系统的性能和价值。

Controls are easily customized to give facility staff as much or as little control as is needed.

The available MP-MFC wired, wall-mounted controllers with graphic display control source selection, level and preset recall. Or control the system from smartphones and tablets using the MP Manage app.

MP-M系列调音台与QSC MP-A系列音乐和寻呼功放相得益彰,外形美观,音质优秀。

Front view of two in-wall MP-M Mixer controllers, in back and white

MP-MFC Controllers



MP Install v.1.2

(Released March 2, 2020)

This app allows system designers and installers to quickly and easily design and configure systems for MP-M Series mixers. This wireless control features an intuitive Workflow Wizard to navigate through room tuning and speed commissioning.

Tablet Versions:

徽章:在Google Play上下载
徽章:在App STORE上下载

需要登录QSC才能下载MP Install(您可能需要创建QSC登录账号。如果您已经在QSC培训网站上参加过课程学习,则应该可以使用该登录信息登录!)。

If you haven’t already done so, you will be prompted to login when you click “Download MP Install”.


MP Manage v.1.2

(Released March 2, 2020)

For wireless control, the MP Manage provides end users day-to-day operation of basic system functions including zone level, source selection, scene recall, scheduling, and mixer control. It also offer a unique store-and-forward zone paging functionality to the MP-M Series mixer.

Smartphone Version:

徽章:在Google Play上下载
徽章:在App STORE上下载

v1.2 Software Updates

These updates apply to MP-M Series Firmware v1.2 and MP Install v1.2 and MP Manage v1.2 (for Windows, iOS, and Android).


  • Input Control from MP-MFC: Input gains can now be controlled from the MP-MFC wall-mounted controller in single zone mode.
  • “Scenes Only” mode for MP-MFC: Wall-mounted controller can now be dedicated to scene recall only, simplifying the control experience.
  • Custom Venue/Client Logos: Add your client’s logo to the main landing screen for the MP Manage app.
  • AD-P.HALO扬声器预设:利用针对新AcousticDesign系列AD-P.HALO集成式SUB/SAT吊挂式扬声器系统(以及其他QSC扬声器)提供的官方出厂调谐设置,优化您的音效。
  • User Interface Improvements: All parameters in the input and output overview tabs can now be adjusted directly.

Read the official release notes for the features and enhancements.

MP-M Series Firmware v1.2

Released August, 2021


  MP-M40 MP-M80
Total 8 16
Mic/Line 4 (Euroblock) 8(欧式接线端子)
RCA 4 (mono-summed RCA pairs) 8 (mono-summed RCA pairs)
Total 6 10
Line 4 (Euroblock, balanced) 8(欧式接线端子,均衡)
Music on Hold 1 (Euroblock, transformer balanced) 1 (Euroblock, transformer balanced)
记忆点(电话) 1 (3.5 mm, stereo) 1 (3.5 mm, stereo)
Dimensions (H×W×D) 45 × 483 × 356毫米
1.75 × 19 × 14英寸
Net Weight 3.2 kg / 7 lb
  Details Details

All specifications are subject to change without notice.

控制装置 Three buttons (increment, decrement, and select)
Display 128 × 128 pixels, 27 (L) × 26 (W) mm viewing area
Available Colors 黑色、白色
Connection Max Per MFC port: Daisy chain up to 4 MP-MPC controllers, with a 250 m maximum cable length
Total: Up to 8 controllers per MP-M Series mixer
Dimensions (H×W×D)
North American versions
114 × 70 × 35 mm
4.5 × 2.75 × 1.4 in
Dimensions (H×W×D)
European versions
89 × 89 × 36毫米
3.5 × 3.5 × 1.4英寸