Q-SYS Designer Software
Q-SYS Designer Software操作非常简单,是当今市场上功能最强大的高级DSP设计软件。用户可以利用该软件打造原生Q-SYS平台系统设计,并且支持集成到更大的Q-SYS生态系统中。其系统设计环境直观且易于使用。这款软件布局简洁,没有复杂的多级菜单。借助这款软件,系统集成商可以集中精力构建音频系统,不需要经历复杂的软件学习曲线。
•一个软件适合各种规模的系统: Q-SYS Designer Software是一款应用,适用于各种Q-SYS Core类别中的任何规模的项目。
•第三方外围设备支持: Q-SYS允许通过LUA脚本控制外部设备。
•用户控制界面:设计自定义按钮、导入图形、增加UCI 密码保护作为额外的保护,并为触屏控制器构建用户控件。
Q-SYS在线帮助文件是关于Q-SYS Designer Software以及相关硬件和外围设备的,最新也最完整的帮助文件。您可以在Q-SYS Designer Software中访问帮助文件。Q-SYS在线帮助文件的更新频率通常比Q-SYS Designer Software内置帮助文件更高。
Q-SYS Remote Support
Having problems with your QSC network audio system or software issues, and would you like some live remote assistance?
Download the QSC Remote Support Portal
We use a really nifty support tool by an outfit called TeamViewer. It is very secure and simple to use. Just click the button above to download the QSC Support Portal. Choose “Run” when asked, choosing the default answers if in doubt. It will run a small applet on your computer, and provide you a unique, secure, 9-digit ID and 4-character alphanumeric password. Call us, and provide us the ID number and password – BAM! We’re connected to you and helping, just as if we were sitting at your computer with you!
(Requires a high-speed internet connection to your computer)